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Concert statistics

Show 49 of 75 of The River Tour 2016
Number of songs played:31
Number of users who were at this concert:230
World premieres:-
Tour premieres:1
Personal premieres:
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2016/06/17, Munich Germany

Olympia Stadion


   1 Prove It All Night
   2 Badlands
   3 Out In The Street
   4 Sherry Darling
   5 Two Hearts
   6 No Surrender
   7 Hungry Heart
   8 You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
   9 Death To My Hometown
   10 My Hometown
   11 Johnny 99
   12 Youngstown
   13 Murder Incorporated
   14 The River
   15 American Skin (41 Shots)
   16 The Promised Land
   17 Working On The Highway
   18 Darlington County
   19 Waitin' On A Sunny Day
   20 I'm On Fire
   21 Because The Night
   22 The Rising
   23 Thunder Road
   24 Land of Hope and Dreams
   25 Born In The U.S.A.
   26 Born To Run
   27 Seven Nights To Rock
   28 Dancing In The Dark
   29 Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
   30 Shout
   31 For You
world premiere Premiere this country tour premiere personal premiere
Length concert: 3 hours and 21 minuts
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Number of users who were at this concert: 230