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Concert statistics

Show 42 of 146 of Ghost of Tom Joad Tour
Number of songs played:23
Number of users who were at this concert:51
World premieres:-
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1996/02/28, Manchester Great Britain

Apollo Theatre


   1 The Ghost Of Tom Joad
   2 Adam Raised A Cain
   3 Straight Time
   4 Highway 29
   5 Darkness On the Edge Of Town
   6 Johnny 99
   7 Mansion On The Hill
   8 Sell It And They Will Come
   9 Brothers Under The Bridge
   10 Born In The U.S.A.
   11 Dry Lightning
   12 Spare Parts
   13 Youngstown
   14 Sinaloa Cowboys
   15 The Line
   16 Balboa Park
   17 Across The Border
   18 Bobby Jean
   19 This Hard Land
   20 Does This Bus Stop At 82nd Street?
   21 Streets Of Philadelphia
   22 Galveston Bay
   23 The Promised Land
world premiere Premiere this country tour premiere personal premiere
Length concert: unknown
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Number of users who were at this concert: 51