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Concert statistics

Show 176 of 548 of Miscellaneous
Number of songs played:17
Number of users who were at this concert:29
World premieres:-
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Personal premieres:
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1990/11/16, Los Angeles, CA United States

Shrine Auditorium


   1 Brilliant Disguise
   2 Darkness On the Edge Of Town
   3 Mansion On The Hill
   4 Reason To Believe
   5 Red Headed Woman
   6 57 Channels (And Nothin' On)
   7 My Father's House
   8 Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
   9 Atlantic City
   10 Wild Billy's Circus Story
   11 Nebraska
   12 When The Lights Go Out
   13 Thunder Road
   14 My Hometown
   15 Real World
   16 Highway 61 Revisited
   17 Across The Borderline
world premiere Premiere this country tour premiere personal premiere
Length concert: 1 hours and 27 minuts
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Number of users who were at this concert: 29